We have a dedicated team that believes in our mission and strives to make your RCT experience an exceptional one. Our core team works with dozens of youth interns and volunteers, every year, and recognizes their invaluable contributions to our success.

See what opportunities RCT has today 


Head Office

Shauna L. McCaffrey Executive Director [email protected]
Jacqueline Harvey Sr. Manager Finance, HR & Administration [email protected]
Vacant Finance Administrator
Stella Szymala Administrator, Program & Finance [email protected]
Karyn Wang Finance Data Entry [email protected]
Nicole Fonseca H R Assistant nfonseca@rcto.ca

Administration, Community Engagement, Marketing, I T Donations & Business Development, Ontario


Marie Deluca Sr. Manager of Marketing Business Development [email protected]
Natalie Polowyszak Administrator [email protected]
Nicole Coutinho  Sales Assistant / Receptionist [email protected]
Emily Duncan Administrator [email protected]
Ian Duncan Software Support Services Government Donor Lead [email protected]
Justin Duong Technician Intern [email protected]
Hafza Arshad Community Engagement Lead, Toronto & South Central ON [email protected]
Alexander Oliver Community Engagement Lead, GTA W & SW ON [email protected]
Adam French Community Engagement Lead, Ottawa & North and Eastern ON [email protected]
Rekell Henry Customer Service Technician, Ottawa & North and Eastern ON [email protected]
Mona Maqbool Administrator [email protected]
Vacant Sales Assistant, Ottawa, Northern and Eastern ON  
Jocelyn Campbell Sales Assistant, GTA W & SW Ontario [email protected]
Dylan Kelly Sales Assistant, Toronto and South Central Ontario [email protected]


GTA/Mississauga Centre


Greg Comeau Operations Manager [email protected]
Girish Harpale Inventory and Warehouse Lead [email protected]
Manvir Bains Senior Detailing Lead [email protected]
Vacant Logistics Associate
Sinthujan Vakeeswaran GTA IT Production Lead [email protected]


Impacts & Inspiration


Social. Economic. Environmental.


What inspires our work


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News, Stories, and More

Dylan Kelly

By: Dylan Kelly, Youth Intern At RCT, we believe in realizing the potential of our youth, giving them the opportunity to develop and expand their skills through our Technical Work

Working with M’Wikwedong!

Jennifer Linklater who is a Georgian College Indigenous Resource contact, we understood the role of M’Wikwedong in the community and through her we found the right place for our Indigenous community

Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre Partnership!

This year, RCT relaunched with a new product line, which includes Laptops with Chrome Operating Software installed - instead of the regular Windows 10 Pro. These laptops come with 128