By: Alex Oliver, Senior Community Engagement Lead at RCT

On September 18th, Renewed Computer Technology (RCT) was invited to visit Mohawk College to showcase its products and engage with students in the LINC program. For the past year and a half, RCT has partnered with LINC to support the educational journeys of immigrants and refugees by providing essential technology resources.

The LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program offers free English language instruction to newcomers, running from September to July with both full-time and part-time classes available. In addition to classroom instruction, the program organizes events to help students socialize and practice their language skills.

One such event is the “Scavenger Hunt,” where students interact with teachers and staff to gather information. Students walk around asking the teachers and staff questions to fill-in their scavenger form in hopes of winning a prize. RCT was included in the hunt which had the students visit the RCT booth and find out how much the least expensive laptop costs. Students learned more about the program and a few ended up ordering laptops that very day.

The partnership between RCT and Mohawk College’ LINC Program highlights the importance of community engagement in supporting newcomers. LINC is committed to ensuring that students have the tools they need to succeed. And we at RCT are excited to offer our support, helping students on their paths toward fluency and integration.

About the LINC Program:

The LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program offers free English language instruction to newcomers, running from September to July with both full-time and part-time classes available. In addition to classroom instruction, the program organizes events to help students socialize and practice their language skills.