May 5 & 6, 2008 – Renewed Computer Technology (RCT) co-hosted the 5th International Computer Refurbishers’ Summit (ICRS) with TechSoup and PC Rebuilders and Recyclers, on May 5th & 6th, 2008 in Toronto.

ICRS 2008 focused on the “Triple Bottom Line” aspects of electronics refurbishing: Social, Economic & Environmental (S.E.E.).

Industry leaders from around the globe came together to focus on the deepening environmental case for electronic reuse and the surprising ways that reuse is making social impacts for developing nations, students, charities and low-income families across the globe.  

The international event examined the latest industry developments and innovations, the benefits, challenges and solutions surrounding reuse, current market trends, proven business strategies and sustainable models that are propelling the growing reuse industry.  The event brought together the private sector and non-profits perspectives from 18 countries making it one of the most compelling events.

The successes of the Computers For Schools Canada program was featured throughout the Summit – an internationally recognized model that has been successfully introduced in other countries.

Speaker Highlights:

PC Rebuilders and Refurbishers: